Bible Park USA – Can They Build It?

Question: With one of the original investors’ Hard Rock Park in Myrtle Beach filing for bankruptcy, will Bible Park USA feel the sting?

Answer: Sources say that Hard Rock Park and Bible Park USA are not joined in any legal or business sense and that Hard Rock Park’s success or lack thereof has no bearing upon Bible Park’s delivery.

Currently, Bible Park USA is set to be built on nearly 120 acres near the city of Lebanon, Tennessee (west of I-24 and north of I-840). The project is said to cost $175 million and will require city and county tax dollars to build. Completion is estimated sometime in 2011, but may be pushed back due to the current economic climate.

Question: Why does a real estate guy care about a Bible theme park?

Answer: Sheer economics. Theme parks bring jobs, visitors, tax dollars, and eventually housing needs. It’s almost like a mini convention center effect, just seasonal.