Freddie Mac reports that 30-year fixed mortgages averaged 6.11% on Friday, an increase from the week-ago rate of 5.96%. Until this past week, interest on 30-year loans had either been...
Concerns that a severe housing downturn and prolonged credit crisis could rattle consumer confidence and hurt the broader economy contributed to a sharp drop in mortgage rates last week, according...
Concerns that a severe housing downturn and prolonged credit crisis could rattle consumer confidence and hurt the broader economy contributed to a sharp drop in mortgage rates last week, according...
I was driving through downtown Nashville today and happened to notice that the Encore condo tower was shimmering in the late afternoon sun. This project will be complete in mid...
I was driving through downtown Nashville today and happened to notice that the Encore condo tower was shimmering in the late afternoon sun. This project will be complete in mid...
The 30-year fixed mortgage rate fell to a more than two-year low in the week ended Nov. 29, slipping to 6.1% from 6.2% the prior week. Freddie Mac further reported...