Grant Hammond

Million Dollar Home Foreclosure in Nashville
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Occasionally I’ll run across properties listed by other brokers that I find amazing. This is one of them. Cory Holman with Zeitlin has this Pinnacle Bank foreclosure listed in Steeplechase...
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4th and Monroe Condos to Become Rentals
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Nashville, TN December 27, 2010 - Starkville, MS based Cadence Bank has sold the 4th and Monroe condo development to Nashten, LLC for $3.0 million. Nashten’s purchase comes almost exactly one year...
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FHA Condominium Recertification May Hurt Condo Sales
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08/23/10 HUD issued updated/revised processing requirements for recertifying FHA approved condominium projects that expire 12/07/10. In this same document HUD mandated that all projects which received approval prior to October...
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Encore Condos Holds Open House 12-4-10
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The Encore condos sales team is holding what very well may be the last developer open house on December 4th, 2010 from 1 - 4pm. As of November 15th, the Encore...
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Nashville Condo Inventory Absorption Study
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The below line graph is a rather simple analysis that reveals the number months required to clear the market of all current inventory. To arrive at the absorption calculation, I...
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Icon Condo Absorption Analysis in Nashville
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An interesting question was posed to me this morning, it’s a question that led me to a simple ‘back of the napkin’ analysis that I’d like to show to you....
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