Grant Hammond

New Nashville Convention Center Already Booking
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This article entitled “2 large groups book Music City Center” appeared in the Nashville Business Journal on June the 18th, 2009. The Journal reports:   "Two large associations representing 40,300...
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Steve McNair House in Green Hills area Nashville
This is the current home of murdered Titan's quarterback Steve McNair. The home is located at 2430 Bear Road in the Green Hills area of the full Steve McNair...
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Steve McNair House in Green Hills area Nashville
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This is the current home of murdered Titan's quarterback Steve McNair. The home is located at 2430 Bear Road in the Green Hills area of Nashville, TN 37215. The home...
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Mortgage Loan Rates Unchanged in Nashville
Interest on 30-year fixed mortgages settled at an average of 5.40 percent this past week, reports Freddie Mac, up from 5.38 percent in the previous week and much lower than...
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Mortgage Loan Rates Unchanged in Nashville
Interest on 30-year fixed mortgages settled at an average of 5.40 percent this past week, reports Freddie Mac, up from 5.38 percent in the previous week and much lower than...
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Nashville Rental Properties are Scarce
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - While the real estate market remains a tough sell, the rental market in Nashville is red hot. According to local real estate experts, owners of luxury condominiums...
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