Grant Hammond

Real Estate Market Trends in Nashville
According to the latest Zillow real estate market reports, home values in Nashville decreased 5.6 percent in the first quarter of 2009, compared to the first quarter of 2008. Nationally,...
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Foreclosures Rise on Prime Mortgages
This article entitled “Job Losses Push Safer Mortgages to Foreclosure” appeared in the NY Times on May the 25th, 2009. The authors are Peter Goodman and Jack Healy:As job losses...
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Foreclosures Rise on Prime Mortgages
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This article entitled “Job Losses Push Safer Mortgages to Foreclosure” appeared in the NY Times on May the 25th, 2009. The authors are Peter Goodman and Jack Healy: As job...
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Federal Tax Credit Used as Down Payment
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At last week’s NAR Mid-Year Conference in Washington, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, said that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is going to permit its lenders to allow home buyers to...
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Federal Tax Credit Used as Down Payment
At last week’s NAR Mid-Year Conference in Washington, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan, said that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) is going to permit its lenders to allow home buyers to...
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Nashville Mortgage Rates Still Under 5%
Freddie Mac reports a slight rise in the 30-year fixed mortgage rate to 4.86 percent during the week ended May 14 from 4.84 percent the previous week. The 15-year fixed...
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