Grant Hammond

A Word From Jay Jacobs
Swimming and diving championships have become so common at Auburn that it would be easy to take them for granted. Not this year, though.Watching the Auburn men's swimming and diving...
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National Foreclosures Spike, Lender Modifications
This article entitled “Foreclosures spike - so do mortgage-help plans” appeared in the on March the 30th, 2009. Les Christie wrote: "NEW YORK ( - Lenders have helped an...
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A Word From Jay Jacobs
Swimming and diving championships have become so common at Auburn that it would be easy to take them for granted. Not this year, though. Watching the Auburn men's swimming and...
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A-Day Invitation from Coach Gene Chizik
Dear Auburn Family,It's great to be an Auburn Tiger!Spring practice is under way, and excitement is building for Auburn Football.The effort and intensity our players have shown has been outstanding...
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A-Day Invitation from Coach Gene Chizik
Dear Auburn Family, It's great to be an Auburn Tiger! Spring practice is under way, and excitement is building for Auburn Football. The effort and intensity our players have shown...
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A little Real Estate Humor
This year has been tough on a lot of people, especially on home sellers. In an effort to lighten the mood and bring a little levity to your day, this...
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