Grant Hammond

To Refinance or Not to Refinance, That is the Question
Low mortgage rates are expected to continue…at least according to the Washington Post and the Mortgage Bankers Association. Although there have been, and will continue to be, variations from week...
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Downtown Nashville Condo Update
This article entitled “Condos face crucial test” appeared in the Nashville Business Journal on March the 6th, 2009. The author is Turner Hutchens who can be reached at 615-846-4254:More than...
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Downtown Nashville Condo Update
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This article entitled “Condos face crucial test” appeared in the Nashville Business Journal on March the 6th, 2009. The author is Turner Hutchens:   More than a thousand new luxury...
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Mortgage Rates Edge Up, Remain Very Low
Freddie Mac reports an increase in the 30-year fixed mortgage rate to 5.07% during the week ended February 26 from 5.04% the prior week. The five-year adjustable-mortgage rate rose to...
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Mortgage Rates Edge Up, Remain Very Low
Freddie Mac reports an increase in the 30-year fixed mortgage rate to 5.07% during the week ended February 26 from 5.04% the prior week. The five-year adjustable-mortgage rate rose to...
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Fannie Mae Releases New Short Sale Guidelines
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Fannie Mae just released new guidelines - effective March 1, 2009 - affecting short sales. These changes are very much welcomed by any Realtor who has been pressured to reduce...
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