
Nashville Riverfront Renovations Have Begun
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The consulting firm that came up with Nashville's riverfront master plan three years ago will be returning to town to design $30 million worth of downtown projects on both banks...
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Mortgage Rates in Nashville Low, Unchanged
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While Freddie Mac's weekly report on mortgage rates showed the 30-year rate dipping slightly below 5 percent, these rates did not budge in Bankrate.com's weekly survey of large lenders. The...
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First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Extended & Expanded
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If you feel like the first time homebuyer tax credit was a sweet deal that you missed out on, you’ll now have another shot, the program has now been extended...
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Terrazzo Auction Will Impact Nashville Condos
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This article entitled “Terrazzo auction will impact condo prices across Nashville” appeared in the Nashville Business Journal on November the 6th, 2009. The author is Eric Snyder: Velocity, the last...
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Coda Development Sells Condo Site 112 Harding Place
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Coda Development has sold 112 Harding Place to neighboring Harding Academy for $1 million. Coda had acquired the 1.13 acre site back in April of 2007 with the intentions of...
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November Nashville Mortgage Rate Update
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Freddie Mac reports that Nashville mortgage rates continued to drift higher last week, with average interest of 5.03 percent on a 30-year fixed loan - up o.o3 percent from a...
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