Rolling Mill Hill’s three condo buildings will be sold to the highest bidder at foreclosure auction at 10 a.m. Sept 24, 2009. The auction will be held on the Metro Nashville courthouse steps...
It has been tough sledding for the 265 unit Velocity in the Gulch condo project located next door to the Icon. For a project whose presales numbered in the hundreds,...
Well, there really is not a whole lot to report here except for the fact that there have been no new closings since my last report in August. Since Wachovia...
Freddie Mac reported a dip in borrowing costs for long-term mortgages this week. According to the federally chartered company, the average interest on 30-year loans fell to 5.08 percent from...
If you are one of those folks who thought that condo prices would continue fall this year, here is a piece of news that will surprise you: The developers of...
The previous content was removed at the request of James Carbine. The only factual part of the story I feel comfortable posting at this point is the sales summary from...