Research Articles

Velocity in the Gulch Sold Condos 2010
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As promised to a reporter who called today, here is the current list of sold condos for the Velocity in the Gulch. Clearly, the momentum has vanished in this project...
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Nashville Condo Prices and Closings Q2 2010
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As expected, Q2 2010 condo prices and closing volume increased rather significantly over the first quarter. This fact can be directly attributed to the expiration of the second Federal first-time...
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Nashville Homes for Sale
$5 Million Tyne Boulevard Mansion Auction
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Just when the average multi-millionaire allowed herself to slip into a melancholy real estate state of mind, RealtyTrust steps in and lifts the mood. The 16,090 square foot Oak Hill...
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Terrazzo, Rhythm and Encore Condo Closings 2010
This Nashville tax record analysis for 2010 condo sales was assembled to satisfy a large developer’s due diligence in the Nashville condo market. Only closings from the Terrazzo in the...
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Low Life, Blood Sucking, Vulture Realtors Video
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If we cannot laugh at ourselves, then who can we laugh with? Seriously, this video portraying a Realtor cold calling on a distressed home seller is genius. It captures the...
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Brentwood Housing Inventory – August 2010
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While having 532 single family homes for sale in Brentwood may seem like a rather large unsold inventory, that number only represents 6.7% of the total homes in Brentwood. According...
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