Research Articles

12 Days of Christmas Song Foreclosure Style
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Well, all I can say is that it is sort of true, but certainly funny and sadly relevant. Merry Christmas and enjoy a little twisted humor! (does have sound)
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Mortgage Interest Rates Move Higher
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Mortgage interest rates on 30-year fixed mortgages rose to 4.81 percent last week, after the prior week's fall to a record low of 4.71 percent, reports Freddie Mac. While the...
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Nashville Condo Market Debate Continues
Recently, an educated rebuttal was posted on my 5 year condo analysis article. This rebuttal had some great points that I have posted in their entirety below. My answers/thoughts follow...
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5 Year Nashville Condo Market Analysis
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The economic recession has affected the US housing market disproportionately. The problem is that the local, regional and nation media outlets are very good at pointing out the obvious bad...
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Velocity Condos in Nashville Sales Update
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As of the end of November, the Velocity in the Gulch has closed 20 condos out of a possible 265 (7.5%). Granted, the grand opening was just over a month...
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Ireland Street Townhome for Sale $195,000
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Priced at only $195,000, this stylish urban 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath townhome with garage offers inspiring skyline views! The Ireland 28 townhomes were built just 5 years ago and feature...
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